Stay Warm Stay Safe this winter

15th November 2018

Stay Warm Stay Safe this winter

This winter, Live Well Greenwich is providing extra services and support for residents who may be at risk during the cold weather.  

Our Stay Warm Stay Safe campaign is for those who are over 60, care for a young or vulnerable person or are having problems paying winter fuel bills. The scheme is also open to support people who have mental health problems, learning disabilities and/or a sensory impairment.

You should also get in touch if you have concerns about a friend or neighbour.

Services available:

  • a free room thermometer
  • advice and help on keeping fuel bills down
  • a benefit check by our Welfare Rights Service
  • home fire safety visits by the London Fire Brigade
  • an energy efficiency assessment
  • advice on keeping active, healthy and connected in the winter months
  • advice on flu jabs.

Find further details about the extra support available.

Call the Live Well Greenwich line free on 0800 470 4831 to speak to the Stay Warm Stay Safe team.


Helping you Live Well in Greenwich

Live Well Greenwich Line
Call FREE: 0800 470 4831