Top Tips to keep warm this winter

Keeping yourself warm

  • Wear several thin layers, rather than one thick one. Go for clothes made from wool, cotton or fleecy fabrics, if possible.
  • Have regular hot meals and drinks – buy frozen and tinned fruit and veg, pulses, fish and meat – it’s just as nutritious, convenient and often cheaper than the fresh kind.
  • Wear warm clothes in bed. When it’s really cold, wear thermal underwear, bed socks and even a hat.
  • Move more, sit less. Greenwich Get Active can help you be more active and feel better.

Keeping your house warm

  • Draw your curtains when it gets dark to stop draughts and the heat escaping.
  • Check that your windows or door frames/fixings are fitted properly.
  • Use draught excluders at the bottom of your doors and around window and door frames.
  • Have your heating system serviced (this includes boilers, radiators, etc.)
  • Make sure your radiators have been ‘bled’ and don’t cover or block them.
  • Check your stopcock is working properly and your pipes are insulated.
  • You may be eligible for funding measures which could help to make your home warmer. Call the Live Well Greenwich line on 0800 470 4831 to find out more.

Maximising your income and keeping fuel bills down

  • Only heat the rooms that you use and make sure that your bedroom is warm before you go to bed.
  • Turn off lights when you’re not in the room and don’t leave the TV and DVD player on standby – switch them off.
  • Turn off any electrical chargers once your appliance is at full power.
  • Only boil as much water in a kettle as you need.
  • Use a 30° programme on your washing machine.

Contact Stay Warm Stay Safe by calling the Live Well line on 0800 470 4831:

  • to make sure you are getting all of the income you are entitled to
  • to find out more about the Big London Energy Switch and get a better deal on gas and electric bills
  • to check if you are receiving your full entitlement as a pensioner

Helping to stay safe

  • Make sure you know all of your emergency contact numbers – gas, electric, care agencies, repairs/maintenance, 999, family and friends.
  • See if you are eligible for a free flu jab.
  • Call the Live Well line to find out more about receiving a Home Fire Safety visit
  • Call the Live Well line to find out more about the local Telecare Service which helps people live independently in their own homes.

Helping you Live Well in Greenwich

Live Well Greenwich Line
Call FREE: 0800 470 4831