Drink and drugs
Drinking alcohol can be seen as something you do as part of growing up, but starting to drink when you’re young does more damage than you think. Even when you’re 18 and technically an adult, your bodies are still developing and can’t process alcohol as well as someone older.
Making good decisions
Because alcohol lowers our inhibitions we are more likely to do things we wouldn’t usually do. This could lead to risky behaviours like:
- having unprotected sex
- making assumptions about consent
- getting into fights
Be in control
If you want to stay in control, get advice and support, or need some pointers on how to keep yourself safe or a loved one safe, visit Addaction Young People’s Service.
If you need to speak to someone in confidence, you can call Addaction YPS on 020 8921 6907.
Old enough to drink legally?
You can check your drinking and get online advice at any time, by using our brief advice tool.
You can also download the free drinks tracker app to help keep an eye on your intake, and get information on local adult support services, by visiting the Greenwich Community Directory.
We’d like your views
The Royal Borough of Greenwich’s Public Health team are currently researching home drinking habits in Greenwich.
If you’d like to help and give your views, take part in our short anonymous survey here – it only takes a minute!
If you are concerned about drug use, either yours or a friend or family member, or you have been pressured by others to use drugs, the Greenwich Community Directory has lots of info on local support and treatment services in Greenwich.
All Greenwich drug and alcohol services are free and confidential.
Under 18: Visit the Young Persons Substance Misuse Service or call them on: 0208 921 6907
Over 18 : Visit Via or call them on: 0300 303 4552
Talk to FRANK
If you want to find out about a specific drug, you can check the details on the FRANK website. This has an A to Z list of drugs and personal stories of those who have used drugs, as well as an interactive live chat.
Useful Links
- Royal Borough of Greenwich Young Persons Substance Misuse Service Advice about drugs or alcohol, working directly with young people on a one to one basis. Free and confidential.
- Kooth Free, safe and anonymous, online mental health and emotional wellbeing support for children and young people in Greenwich.
- Headscape What's your HeadScape? Take our quiz, find out what's going on in your head and what might help sort it out.
- FRANK Friendly, confidential drugs advice.
- Do you know when to stop? Quick and easy tool to help you understand how much alcohol you drink and what this means, and signposting to local support.
- Better Xplore Family Lifestyle Programme.
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