Healthwise – adult physical activity referral scheme

Healthwise is the GP referral scheme available for all Greenwich borough residents who have an existing health condition, and are interested in becoming more active.

Healthwise offers an introduction to the positive impact that physical activity can have upon a range of medical conditions and to our overall health.

Regular physical activity can help:

  • boost our energy, fitness and wellbeing
  • manage and improve an existing medical condition
  • reduce the risk of serious conditions, including heart disease, stroke, and cancer

Get help to get started and keep going

The scheme runs for 12 weeks, offering support and motivation for people to become more physically active. Those who join receive a personalised activity plan, access to a range of classes held regularly at local Greenwich leisure centres, as well as support to stay active once the course is complete. All classes are led by qualified and experienced instructors.

Am I eligible?

Common reasons for referral include:

  • high blood pressure
  • diabetes
  • a neurological condition
  • asthma
  • a circulatory (including cardiac) or respiratory disease
  • depression and/or anxiety
  • arthritis

For further information, please contact your GP, your local Better Leisure Centre, or Healthwise direct on 020 3795 0715 or by email at

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