6th April 2022
Ways to stay healthy
Keeping active at home
Being active is important for both our physical and mental health, and it’s important to get some fresh air and activity too. Greenwich Get Active has lots of tips and ideas to help you get started, including ways to help build physical activity into your daily routine. Exercising at home can be simple and there are options for all ages and abilities, such as:
- cleaning your home
- gardening
- dancing to music
- going up and down stairs
- playing catch, skipping, hula hooping, hopscotch
- seated exercises
- sitting less – if you notice you’ve been sitting down for an hour, just getting up or changing position can help.
You can exercise outdoors too! This could be going for a run, jog, walk or bike ride. Check out Greenwich Get Active for inspiration.
Online exercises
There are lots of fun activities available online to follow at home, for all ages and abilities. Why not try some of the below:
Sport England
We Are Undefeatable
One You 10 minute home workout
NHS Fitness Studio videos
For children and families:
10 Minute Disney Shake-Up
For older adults
Eating well
Eating a healthy, balanced diet is just as important for your physical and mental health at the moment, so try to eat lots of fruit and vegetables, and cut down on saturated fat, sugar and salt. Tins and frozen food are just as good and nutritious as fresh, and can be cheaper!
If you have more time on your hands there’s no better time to try something new in the kitchen. Try making new recipes with food available in your home, and batch cooking is a great way to make food go further – plus you can freeze portions to keep for the future.
Good Food in Greenwich and GCDA have lots of tips and ideas on how to cook and shop creatively!
If you’re struggling to get food because of financial reasons or self-isolation, there’s support available, from food boxes delivered to your door, to the Emergency Support Scheme for financial support to buy food. Call Live Well Greenwich on 0800 470 4831 or visit Good Food in Greenwich for more info.
Your health matters, and there has never been a better time to kickstart your health, whether that’s eating well or moving more. Public Health England have launched a campaign to help – Better Health has a range of tools and support – find what works for you.
Look after your sleep
Good-quality sleep makes a big difference to how we feel, so it’s important to get enough. Try to maintain your regular sleeping pattern and stick to good sleep practices. For more information and help if you’re struggling visit Every Mind Matters.
Drinking less
Although it can be tempting to drink more than usual at the moment, alcohol can be damaging to both your physical and mental health. Try to stay within the recommended 14 units per week and aim to have some drink free days.
If you would like support to cut down or stop, visit WDP or call 0300 303 4552.
You can also take our quick quiz if you are worried about your drinking and want to find out how to make changes. It gives you useful information on what you can do and where you can get help and support if you need it.
If you are reducing your drinking significantly, remember it can be dangerous to stop too quickly without proper support. If you have physical withdrawal symptoms (like shaking, sweating or feeling anxious until you have your first drink of the day) you should seek medical advice. For further advice available in your area (including remote services) see NHS advice.
Stopping smoking
The best thing a smoker can do for their current and future health is to quit, and quit now. If you are thinking about quitting, call 0800 470 4831 for friendly, expert advice over the phone on the best ways to quit for you, including NRT and e-cigarettes.
Helping you Live Well in Greenwich
Live Well Greenwich Line
Call FREE: 0800 470 4831